COVID-19 Management Plan
It is clear that the Coronavirus Pandemic will present us all with challenging times ahead.
Deployus wishes to advise that we have developed a Coronavirus Management Plan as follows:
- Good hygiene practices are encouraged for all staff, to minimise the chances of infection.
- Our staff have been encouraged to familiarise themselves with the symptoms of COVID-19 and seek medical attention if they are showing any symptoms.
- Any Deployus staff travelling to countries known to be of high risk will be isolated for the recommending period upon their return.
- Deployus staff who have been in contact with people known to be infected will be isolated and tested.
- Deployus staff that are infected will work from home if they are well enough.
- Our office-based staff should be able to complete all of their duties by remote.
- Our field-based staff will attend sites as required and can perform as much of their workload by remote as needed.
- Our field-based staff will limit contact with client staff as much as possible and electronic devices including human interface devices will be treated with disinfectant spray before and after use.
- We do not foresee any disruption to our services, except for when staff aren’t well enough to attend to their duties.
- All remote monitoring and alerting functions will operate as normal and staff will be alerted to issues irrespective of their work locations or telework arrangements.
The Plan will be adjusted as the pandemic evolves.
Our freecall number (1800 DEPLOY) will continue to function and be answered by our engineers during our Support Hours (Monday-Friday, 6am-7pm). Please leave a message on 1800 DEPLOY for afterhours emergencies and they will be addressed as normal.Â
We encourage you to contact us to discuss technical options for the coming weeks and months. Deployus staff are available to assist you with any Work From Home arrangements. This may require a potential redesign of your systems to facilitate the best possible remote access. We encourage our clients to use Microsoft Teams or similar Video Conferencing technologies to continue to interact with their staff. For clients without an existing Microsoft Office 365 tenancy, our engineers are available to setup Microsoft Teams in the coming weeks.
If you have any concerns or questions, do contact us at your earliest convenience.
George Kyprios BCom CPA
Managing Director
We Understand that Buisness Continuity is Critical in Times of Crisis or Disaster
When things go wrong, we step in, take control, join the dots and make everthing work the way you expect it to